Childhood memories

Created by kirsten 10 years ago
Your name came into my mind today across the years and I Googled you, thinking to contact you via LinkedIn or such like. And find to my sadness that you were taken, much, much too soon. I'm so sorry. I remember you so, so clearly although we can only have been ten or eleven. You lived just round the corner from me; I was on Lakeside, I can't remember your address; we both went to Notting Hill and Ealing High School. You were funny, feisty, bright, imaginative, fab. I remember an 'escapade' one unsupervised day when we set off walking, exploring, the world our oyster. I think we got as far as Ealing Common before calling in on Dawn Slack, exhausted, and her mother took us home. I remember made up plays near the garages behind your house. I remember invented recipes (usually a variation on toast!) I remember we decided we didn't like our first names. So I became Kiki and you Mina. (I wonder if that name ever stuck). And then I moved away, all the way to Buckinghamshire. And that, in the pre-email, test, Skype world was that. But I never forgot you. I'm sure you went on to live a wonderful life and I'm so sorry that you were taken far, far too young. And I extend my deepest condolences to your family. Much love Kirsten Dougal-Biggs